
This model is designed for a group, family, team vacation or just escape from everyday life with friends. The boat has good stability and manoeuvrability. The boat consists of 2 isolated compartments. Inflatable boat bottom gives extra insulated compartment, buoyancy, and also serves as insulation. Seats on the boat can be run in two versions, sliding along the guide rails, which allowg them to move easily across the entire working area or as air bags fixed on the bottom of the boat.

This model is performed in two versions both with movable seats and inflatable banks.

Technical specifications:
Length, m4.00
Width, m1.15
Inside length, m3.25
Inside width, m0.43
Balloon`s diameter, m0.36
Number of collectors3
Number of people3
Tonnage, kg400
Set weight, kg23
Package dimensions1.00×0.40×0.40
Motor engine kw/hp——
Material PVC (ballons)VALMEX 7318, 1000 g/m²
Material PVC (bottom)VALMEX 7318, 1000 g/m²
Boat 1 p.
Air – pump1 p.
Oar2 p.
Repai set 1  p.
Bag for boat 1 p.
Chair 2 p.

SIA “Dulkan” ir noslēdzis 2017.gada 3.maijā līgumu Nr. SKV-L-2017/235 ar Latvijas investīciju un attistības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma Starptautiskās konkuretspējas veicināšana ietvaros līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.