
The large width of the cockpit and a larger diameter cylinder of 50 cm and 5 air holding compartments enable the owners of the vessel, even after loading the equipment to the maximum, to feel very comfortable on board. V – shaped geometry of the bottom provides the hull with better handling characteristics while the motion on a wave. The boat is equipped with the unique design of the transom, which provides a quick guide to easy and accurate balancing of power tiller. Rubbing strake protects sides from abrasion. Rails with sliding seats allow them to move easily across the entire working area.


Technical specifications:
Length, m4.20
Width, m1.85
Inside length, m2.80
Inside width, m0.85
Balloon`s diameter, m0.50
Number of collectors4+KEEL
Number of people6
Tonnage, kg900
Set weight, kg97
Package dimensionsBoat: 1.20×0.40×0.75
Package dimensionsPaul: 0.98×0.85×0.07
Motor engine kw/hp22/30
Height of transomS/L
Material PVC (ballons)VALMEX 7330, 1200 g/m²
Material PVC (bottom)VALMEX 7330, 1200 g/m²
Boat design categoryC
Boat 1 p.
Air – pump1 p.
Oar4 p.
Repai set 1 p.
Bag for boat 2 p.
Chair 2 p.
Veneer planking base4 p.
Side connection (stringer)4 p.
Pump adaptor1 p.

SIA “Dulkan” ir noslēdzis 2017.gada 3.maijā līgumu Nr. SKV-L-2017/235 ar Latvijas investīciju un attistības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma Starptautiskās konkuretspējas veicināšana ietvaros līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.