This reliably secures a rod on the side of a vessel. It can be fitted in a mount in any position about its axis and conveniently adjusted for inclination relative to the horizon with a step of 30° as well as reliably secured in a selected position. The holder is equipped with a back rest for fixing the rod in position, thereby preventing it from axial rotation. The design provides for a locking ring that secures the fishing rod reel. This helps prevent loss of the rod during trolling or transportation.
Also, it has a special hole to lock the rod with a safety leash.

SIA “Dulkan” ir noslēdzis 2017.gada 3.maijā līgumu Nr. SKV-L-2017/235 ar Latvijas investīciju un attistības aģentūru par atbalsta saņemšanu pasākuma Starptautiskās konkuretspējas veicināšana ietvaros līdzfinansē Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonds.